JC.58 溫哥華小遊(周士心)山水畫 設色紙本水墨鏡面 “Vancouver Short Tour” Landscape Painting (by Professor Su-Sing Chow) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$8,000 -$10,000 起拍價: $1000



長:355mm 闊:269mm 

預估價:$8,000 -$10,000  

起拍價: $1000 

釋文: 山木蕭騷,溪橋寂歷,是幽人疇出尋詩處也。周士心寫於洛杉磯 時丙辰嘉平月初至溫哥華小遊

印文: 周 士心

“Vancouver Short Tour” Landscape Painting (by Professor Su-Sing Chow) 

Ink and colour on paper framed 

Width:355mm Length:269mm 

Estimated Price:$8,000 -$10,000  

Starting Price: $1000

Interpretation: Amidst the silent woods and rustling streams, the bridge over the creek stands quietly, a secluded place for a wandering poet. Created by Professor Su-Sing Chow during a brief visit to Vancouver from Los Angeles in the first month of Jiaping, in the year Bingchen. 

Seal: Su-Sing Chow