JC.56 周士心夫婦合作飛天圖 設色紙本水墨鏡面 “Flying” Joint artwork by Prof. and Mrs. Su-sing Chow Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$8,000 -$25,000 起拍價: $1000



長:405mm 闊:625mm 

預估價:$8,000 -$25,000  

起拍價: $1000 

釋文: 中唐飛天敦煌一五八窟古潤陸馨如摹時庚子閏六月

印文:陸馨如 明明女史

“Flying” Joint artwork by Prof. and Mrs. Su-sing Chow  

Ink and colour on paper framed 

Width:405mm Length:625mm 

Estimated Price:$8,000 -$25,000  

Starting Price: $1000

Interpretation: In the style of Zhongtang Feitian Dunhuang Cave 158, imitated by Lu Xinru during the intercalary sixth month of the year Gengzi. 

Seal: Lu Xinru, Lady Mingming



周士心教授妻, 2012年離世, 與周氏鶼鰈情深, 創立溫哥華吳門畫會, 擅花鳥及仕女畫, 畫風氣質高逸, 清新脫俗. 其敦煌飛天畫技巧直接受張大千先生指導