備註: 1-67號為周士心教授遺珍 68-85號為其他藏家拍品
- JC.01 孔雀石羅漢擺件連座 Malachite Luohan Ornament, with Stand 預估價:$800 -$1,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.02 瓷器彌勒佛擺件連座 Porcelain Maitreya Buddha Ornament, with Stand 預估價:$800 -$1,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.03 瓷器小水丞連座 Porcelain Brush Washer, with Stand 預估價:$800 -$1,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.04 樹化石擺件 Fossilized Wood Ornament 預估價:$500 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.05 骨雕水果 (一套四件) Bone Carving Fruit (Set of Four Pieces) 預估價:$1,000 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.06 青花瓷小水丞 Blue and White Ceramic Brush Washer 預估價:$500 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.07 青花瓷茶盞 (一對) Blue and White Ceramic Tea Cups (A Pair) 預估價:$1,500 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.08 仿哥窯瓷筆架連座 Imitation Ge Kiln Ceramic Pen Holder with Stand 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.09 墨彩瓷筆架連座 Ink-toned Ceramic Pen Holder 預估價:$2,500 -$4,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.10 粉彩瓷蝴蝶鼻煙壺 Famille Rose Butterfly Ceramic Snuff Bottle 預估價:$500 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.11 龍文粉彩瓷鼻煙壺 Dragon Motif Famille Rose Ceramic Snuff Bottle 預估價:$500 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.12 料器鼻煙壺 Feeder Made Snuff Bottle 預估價:$100 -$300 起拍價: $50
- JC.13 玻璃內畫鼻煙壺 (一對) Inside-Painted Glass Snuff Bottles (A Pair) 預估價:$300 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.14 青玉鼻煙壺 Green Jade Snuff Bottle 預估價:$500 -$1,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.15 粉彩瓷人物小花瓶 Famille Rose Small Figurine Ceramic Vase 預估價:$500 -$1,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.16 近代玉雕奔馬(一對)連座 (Pair of) Modern Jade Carvings of Galloping Horses with Base 預估價:$1,000 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.17 和田青玉雕玉珮連座 Hetian Green Jade Carved Jade Pendant with Base 預估價:$1,000 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.18 方型紫砂仿方型水丞鈞窯 Square-shaped Purple Sand Imitation Jun Kiln Water Vessel 預估價:$100 -$300 起拍價: $50
- JC.19 石灣桃型水丞 Shiwan Peach-shaped Brush Washer 預估價:$300 -$500 起拍價: $100
- JC.20 石灣瓜果擺件 Shiwan Carvings of Melon and Fruit Ornament 預估價:$300 -$500 起拍價: $100
- JC.21 泥塑人物和獸 (一套兩件) (Set of Two) Clay Sculptures of figures and Animals 預估價:$300 -$500 起拍價: $100
- JC.22 石灣瑞獸擺件連座 Shiwan Auspicious Beast Ornament with Base 預估價:$100 -$300 起拍價: $50
- JC.23 和田玉雕一葉童子連座 Hetian Jade Carving of a Child on leaf 預估價:$800 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.24 藍釉瓷葫蘆鼻煙壺連座 Blue Glazed Ceramic Gourd Snuff Bottle 預估價:$300 -$500 起拍價: $100
- JC.25 青花瓷人物小水丞連座 Blue and White Ceramic Carving of a Figure Brush Washer with Base 預估價:$1,000 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.26 青花瓷八菱水丞連座 Blue and White Ceramic Octagonal Brush Washer with Base 預估價:$1,000 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.27 粉彩瓷牙籤盒 Famille Rose Ceramic Toothpick Box 預估價:$800 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.28 銅麒麟紙鎮 (一套三件) Copper Kirin (Set of Three) 預估價:$1,000 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.29 小型多寶櫃 (A) Small Multi-Drawer (A) 預估價:$500-$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.30 小型多寶櫃 (B) Small Multi-Drawer (B) 預估價:$500 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.31 晚清民國紅釉玉壺春瓶(口有裂) Red Glaze Yu Hu Chun Vase (with crack on the mouth), Late Qing 預估價:$800 -$1,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.32 近代青花龍紋馬蹄瓷瓶 (一對) (Pair of) Modern Blue and White Dragon Pattern Horses Hoof Vases 預估價:$1,000 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.33 青花纏枝蓮瓷小賞瓶連座 Blue and White Lotus Twining Small Ceramic Vase with Base 預估價:$1,000 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.34 梅花(周士心畫)瓷賞瓶連座 Plum Blossom Ceramic Vase with Base (Painted by Professor Su-Sing Chow) 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.35 窯變釉瓷小賞瓶連座 Variable Glaze Ceramic Kiln Small Vase with Base 預估價:$1,500 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.36 晚清民國孔雀藍瓷小賞瓶連座 Peacock Blue Miniature Ceramic Vase, Late Qing 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.37 民國珊瑚紅描金瓷小瓶連座 Coral Red with Gilt Small Ceramic Vase, Republic of China 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.38 創匯期長頸瓷瓶連座 Long Neck Ceramic Vase from the 1960s to 1970s 預估價:$1,500 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.39 窯變釉瓷小瓶A連座 Variable Glaze Kiln Ceramic Small Vase A 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.40 窯變釉瓷小瓶B連座 Variable Glaze Kiln Ceramic Small Vase B 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.41 黑壇荷葉筆筒 Dark Rosewood Carving of a Lotus Leaf Pen Holder 預估價:$1,000 -$2,500 起拍價: $500
- JC.42 黃花梨筆筒 Yellow Rosewood Pen Holder 預估價:$5,000 -$15,000 起拍價: $2000
- JC.43 現代歙硯 一方 Modern Inkstone 預估價:$1,000 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.44 青花瓷八角筆筒 Blue and White Ceramic Octagonal Pen Holder 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.45 昌化雞血印章(帶錦盒) Changhua Chicken Blood Seal (with brocade box) 預估價:$2,000 -$8,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.46 昌化雞血印章(帶錦盒、有破損) Changhua Chicken Bloodstone Seal (with brocade box, damaged) 預估價:$1,500 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.47 昌化雞血印章(連盒) Changhua Chicken Bloodstone Seal (with box) 預估價:$1,000 -$3,500 起拍價: $300
- JC.48 巴林雞血印章一對(連盒) (Pair of) Balin Chicken Bloodstone Seals (with box) 印文: 得心應手 刻骨銘心 預估價:$2,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.49 昌化雞血印章一對(連盒) (Pair of) Changhua Chicken Bloodstone Seals (with box) 預估價:$2,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.50 巴林雞血印章(連盒) Balin Chicken Bloodstone Seal (with box) 預估價:$1,500 -$3,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.51 昌化雞血印章(連盒) Changhua Chicken Bloodstone Seal (with box) 預估價:$1,500 -$3,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.52 壽山印章一組十件(連盒) Set of Ten Shoushan Soapstone Seals (with box) 預估價:$3,000 -$15,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.53 近代墨硯 一方(連盒) Contemporary Inkstone (with box) 預估價:$500 -$800 起拍價: $100
- JC.54 佘雪曼花鳥畫 設色絹面水墨鏡面 Painted of birds and flowers by SHE XUEMAN Ink and colour on silk framed 預估價:$2,000 -$3,500 起拍價: $300
- JC.55 梁伯譽花鳥畫 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Painted of birds and flowers by LIANG BOYU Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$2,000 -$3,500 起拍價: $300
- JC.56 周士心夫婦合作飛天圖 設色紙本水墨鏡面 “Flying” Joint artwork by Prof. and Mrs. Su-sing Chow Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$8,000 -$25,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.57 煙巒曉景山水畫(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 “Misty Mountain at Dawn” Landscape Painting (by Professor Su-Sing Chow) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$8,000 -$10,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.58 溫哥華小遊(周士心)山水畫 設色紙本水墨鏡面 “Vancouver Short Tour” Landscape Painting (by Professor Su-Sing Chow) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$8,000 -$10,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.59 山水(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Landscape (by Professor Su-Sing Chow) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$5,000 -$8,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.60 文人畫(櫻花A)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Cherry Blossom) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.61 文人畫(櫻花B)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Cherry Blossom in black ink) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.62 文人畫(菊花A)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Chrysanthemum A) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.63 文人畫(蟹爪蘭)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Chrysanthemum) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.64 文人畫(箭花)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Arrowhead) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.65 文人畫(花卉)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Floral) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.66 文人畫(菊花B)(周士心) 設色紙本水墨鏡面 Scholar Style Painting (Chrysanthemum B) Ink and colour on paper framed 預估價:$3,000 -$5,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.67 翡翠福祿壽雙面雕擺件 Ade Double-Sided Carved Ornament of Fu (Good Fortune), Lu (Prosperity), and Shou (Longevity) 預估價:$10,000 -$30,000 起拍價: $3000
- JC.68 商大玉璧 Ancienet Large Jade 預估價:$5,000 -$8,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.69 黃揚木雕件 Boxwood Craft piece 預估價:$500 -$1,000 起拍價: $50
- JC.70 海象牙雕件 Walrus ivory Craft piece 預估價:$300 -$500 起拍價: $50
- JC.71 黃翡翠擺件 Yellow Jadeite crafted Ornament 預估價:$300 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.72 明代黃花梨大筆筒 Ming Dynasty Yellow Rosewood Pen Holder 預估價:$8,000 -$15,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.73 清代黃花梨筆筒 Qing Dynasty Yellow Rosewood Pen Holder 預估價:$5,000 -$10,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.74 清代青花瓷提茶壺 Qing Dynasty Blue and White Ceramic Teapot with Lid 預估價:$800 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.75 晚清民國粉彩汪啟順冬瓜瓷罐(欠蓋) Famille Rose Ceramic Jar by Wang Qishun (without covers), Late Qing to Republic of China 預估價:$1,000 -$2,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.76 清晚期銅胎掐絲琺琅奔馬一對 Pair of Cloisonné enamel Galloping Horses, Late Qing 預估價:$3,500 -$12,000 起拍價: $1000
- JC.77 清晚期銅胎掐絲琺琅仙鶴中盤一隻 Copper Cloisonné Enamel Medium Plate with Crane, Late Qing 預估價:$1,000 -$2,000 起拍價: $200
- JC.78 清晚期銅胎掐絲琺琅群仙鶴大盤一隻 Copper Cloisonné Enamel Large Plate with Crane, Late Qing 預估價:$2,000 -$3,000 起拍價: $200
- JC.79 清晚期銅胎掐絲琺琅小盤一隻 Copper Cloisonné Enamel Small Plate, Late Qing 預估價:$800 -$1,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.80 清道光印泥盒 Qing Dynasty Daoguang Seal-paste Box 預估價:$5,000 -$10,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.81 清純銀硯台 Solid Silver Inkstone Case, Qing Dynasty 預估價:$5,000 -$15,000 起拍價: $500
- JC.82 民國黑壇壽桃香薰 Black Rosewood Longevity Peach Incense Burner, Republic of China 預估價:$2,000 -$3,500 起拍價: $300
- JC.83 清竹根雕香爐 Bamboo Root Carved Incense Burner, Qing Dynasty 預估價:$1,500 -$3,000 起拍價: $100
- JC.84 明天啟青花瓷小碟 Ming Dynasty Tenkei Blue and White Ceramic 預估價:$1,500 -$2,500 起拍價: $100
- JC.85 晚明清初青花瓷茶圓 Blue and White Ceramic Tea Caddy, Late Ming to Early Qing 預估價:$1,500 -$2,000 起拍價: $100